Saturday, June 1, 2013

Prepping for Ranked Lesson #1: Knowing When Not to Play

I was going to write a guide on how to play ranked today, and chronicle my experiences over the day. I was all set to go, and could have played ranked if I wanted to.

But I didn't.


Because I knew I was in a toxic mindset. I'd had kind of a rough day, and fed hard the night before. I was disgruntled and disgusted with the league community and had lost promo the night before. So instead of playing in a bad mood, I didn't play at all.

Welcome to League Ranked Lesson #1: If you're in a bad mood, don't play ranked.

Let me tell you a story.

I was at 99 points in silver 1, and won my final game. I entered into promo for gold.

I got matched with 3 teams in a row with an afker each game. I was jungle. Mid and bot fed (or top depending on the game) all 3 games were uncarryable. I. Was So. Mad.

What did I do? Continue to play non stop over the weekend.

What happened? This is the kicker, and the part you can learn from:

I lost 26 games in a row. 26. In ranked.

See, I had given up, become toxic, raged at my teammates and fed. I just didn't care anymore and my play reflected it.

No matter how ready you think you are, if you're in a bad mood it's not a good idea to ranked.

Why? Because each game your patience will be tested in some way, shape or form. It may be tested a lot (0-17 bot lane within 14 minutes) and if you're toxic, you'll convince your whole team to surrender vote, make them hate you and probably end up feeding yourself.

I wish I could go back and say "hey, dude, take a break. You'll get there. Now is not the team to try to grind back up to promo".

Well, at least now I can say that to you.

I intend to write one of these a week. More if interest starts to grow.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Welcome to Will's League of Legends Blog! Intro here.

Will's League of Legends Blog 

In game name: Satoris on NA

Hello everyone! My purpose with this new blog is to chronicle my (hopeful) rise from Silver 2 to Gold+. I face unique challenges as I main jungle, and sadly season 3 jungle is largely a support role. My intention is to learn Udyr jungle, as supposedly he can carry games by himself. At least, that's what this random dude on the interwebs says here.

So, starting tomorrow I will post my progress, thoughts and commentary on climbing elo hell and how to do it.

For those below silver 2: Really just play a lot of games and learn League of Legends. Your responsibility is to maximize your average win percentage by playing flawlessly in ranked. Don't grind ranked games while in a bad mood and on low sleep (which I just did tonight). Don't rage at your teammates. Actually just follow the yoloqueue guide here.

My main jungles are Hecarim, Sejuani (bad for yoloqueue, need a duo partner for her), Vi, Volibear, Nasus (although not so much post nerf), Nocturne and (soon) Udyr.

Thanks for reading!

More to come tomorrow.

Update February 2014: Redoing the whole shebang. New layout and format to come over weekend.